Friday, October 31, 2014


Kids and candy everywhere -'nuff said. I pity the parents dealing with the sugar rushes

Monday, October 27, 2014

My weekend

Japan Caucus, Concert by the Boston Chamber Music Society, Future Society

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hillary Clinton

I have secured a ticket to see Hillary Clinton on Friday.

From the Boston Globe:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will appear at a campaign rally for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley at the Park Plaza Hotel in downtown Boston Oct. 24, the campaign confirmed Friday evening.

Clinton’s visit will come a week after her husband, former President Bill Clinton, stumped for Coakley at Clark University in Worcester.

The Massachusetts governor’s race, one of the closest in the nation, has drawn
considerable national talent. First lady Michelle Obama campaigned for Coakley at the Strand Theatre in Dorchester earlier this month. And Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to headline a fund-raiser for the Democratic nominee on Oct. 29.
Former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney headlined a fund-raiser for Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker, his running mate Karyn Polito, and the state party Thursday evening.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Step aside Groucho, we have a winner

A man with the biggest schnozz I have ever seen. Robert H. Mnookin is the Samuel Williston Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Fear Of Missing Out + Fear Of Better Options = Fear Of Doing Anything

The malaise for the digitally connected.  A number of my classmates suffer from this.  I know of people doing 6 subjects or 5 subjects and auditing 2.  I am doing 4 and that is more than enough.

Canvassing for Martha Coakley today

Bubba Clinton with Martha

Congresswoman Katherine Clark

Head of the Charles

Thursday, October 16, 2014

US Military in my MC/MPA year group

Not everyone posed for the photo.  Representatives from all 4 forces - Marines, Airforce, Navy And Army plus Coast Guard

Nancy Hann - the highest ranking officer amongst our class.  She drives ships, flies planes - pretty amazing

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Martha Coakley for Governor

I have signed up to be a volunteer for Martha's gubernatorial campaign.  I will be door knocking in the Central Square region after attending the Graduate Commons Head of the Charles Regatta Breakfast.  The election is on 4 November.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Charles Lewis

Went to a seminar featuring Charles Lewis, an award winning journalist and long time producer for Mike Wallace on US 60 Minutes.

He had lots of interesting things to say about journalism, particularly its failure to investigate numerous abuses of power, and coverups by government and commercial interests

For example he documents that as early as 1934 internal memos from asbestos industry executives recommend purposeful manipulation of medical findings on asbestos' harm to workers.  Official recognition of the medical harm of asbestos occurred in 1964 yet there was no reportage before 1968 by the mainstream media.

He still is a champion for journalism but really has not much confidence that mainstream "journalism" is going to do the investigative journalism that is needed.  The Kardashianisation of mainstream media is absolute.  Investigative journalism is going to have to find other ways to surface.

He has written a new book.
Check it out.935 Lies

Loved this graphic

Chomsky on Education

Chomsky on Education

Chomsky on Democracy and Education

You don't have to agree with everything he says but he certainly makes you think

First meeting of the Kennedy School Student Government

A good crew.   I am Vice President Academic Affairs.  My focus is on anything to do with teaching and learning - curriculum, student admissions, student access to resources, library, etc


Mary Poppins and the minimum wage

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac is back, with Christine McVie rejoining the band after a decade and a half absence.  Nobody does West Coast Rock better than FM.
Fantastic concert.  Lots of emotion, the band clearly is delighted that Christine is onstage with them once more.

At TD Gardens, home of the Boston Celtics

Click on the links below to hear them.  By the way, they were much better in concert.  A cold new york morning is not conducive to a good performance

The video that blew my mind when I was a kid.  Tusk - the difficult album.  

Friday, October 10, 2014

Cyborg Camp

Some interesting stuff about calm technology.  Smart designers are beginning to realize that the cacophony of noise and disruption caused by technologies is not the way to go. We are heading for a dystopia of increased friction and annoyance caused by our devices. Calm technology designers believe technology should not require all of our attention, nor should they require it constantly.

Smart calm technology is something like the old whistling kettle.  It only called for your attention when it was ready to deliver what you wanted - boiling water.  

Thus a little technology goes a long way.  
Designing calm technology:
1. a technology should inform and encalm - we should not have to expend needless mental cost in interacting with devices
2. Human should not have to act like machines 
3. the design should amplify the best part of us as human and the device as technology

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

An Homage to Nigel Molesworth - just because I can

The fat, obnoxious English schoolboy that made me laugh like a drain when I was a kid.

Barbara Walter at K School

Babs in the JFK Forum, me stuck in Land Lecture Hall writing up Negotiations Team project...

Barbara Walters

Barbara was a pioneer with her brand of personality journalism which peddled soft politics and star power.  Unfortunately now everything is personality journalism and no-one wants to ask the hard questions.

Try not to choke on the sycophancy of the morning hosts at the end...

Barbara WaWa by the legendary Gilda Radner - gone too soon

Barbwa WaWa

Chomsky on Palestine

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My political life hangs by a chad

Got 43% of the vote - Not enough to win outright.  Need to go to a run off election. 


The Second Machine Age

It seemed entirely fitting that the mean age of the crowd in to hear the authors of the Second Machine Age at Sanders Theatre was pushing 80+. I bet half of them had some sort of technological enhancement, be it bionic hips, hearing aids, pacemakers.  It will not be long before we all have biological augmentation which will be telling us what to do. We will be slaves to our technological nano-bot masters.........Noooooooooooo!

Any way Sanders Theatre is very imposing.. and here's a photo with some of the oldies wandering around, looking for their ear trumpets...